Teaching Listening and Speaking
Hello Fellas, how are you?
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This is the fifth blog that I had been made for TEYL class, and in this blog, I will discuss "Teaching Listening & Speaking For Young Learner"
Background Of Teaching
The first important things that we have to know as a teacher is "Students' Learning Channels". Because it can help the teacher to understand more about their students to apply the suitable strategies, methods, and techniques for them. The learning channels are categorize into three different types, the first is "Auditory Learner". Students with this types of learning channels are, learn best through Listening. The second types are "Visual Learner", which is the learner are who learn best through visual. The last type of learning channel is "Tacticle Learner", a student that the tactile learner best to learn by touching or manipulating objects.
Another thing that very important to consider is to develop the 4 (four) main skills, that consist of "Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing". In learning English there are two types of skills, the first one are "Oral and Written Skills". Listening and Speaking are part of "Oral Skills", while Reading and Writing are "Written Skills". The second is "Respective and Productive Skills", that Listening and Reading as a part of "Respective Skills" because when we listen or reading we receive knowledge or information, and we can produce the information or knowledge that we got before into the new one by speaking or writing something. Therefore Speaking and Writing is part of "Productive Skills".
When we talked about listening and hearing, some people think both of them are the same things, but actually, is NOT. So, what is the difference between hearing and listening??? Based on some research that I got before, "Hearing" refers to the process of receiving sound that happens without any effort to get it. It's kind like, "you can hear sounds or voices around of you, even you don't try to hear it. For example, you hear the baby is crying. But, listening refers to the process of receiving voice or sounds to get the message (meaning). It happens when you put any effort or paying attention to the sounds/voice that you hear, like when you listening to an announcement that given by your teacher. How about "Speaking"? Speaking is the process of producing information into the sounds o through the mouth. So, basically speaking comes after the development of basic listening skills.
Brown 2001: 247
"Listening is the major component in language learning and teaching because in the classroom learner do more listening than speaking”
By the statement above we have to realize that listening is very important, especially in language learning. But, why Listening it's important? As we know listening is part of four main skills and also as a base for other skills. Why? Because, through listening, they can learn how to speak. Then, through listening-speaking, we also can teach them how to read and write.
Teaching Listening
According to Shin and Crandal (2014), there are 7 principles when designing listening activities for young learner.
1. Prepare your lines carefully
It mean, teachers need to careful when preparing the learning material, such as the process of selecting materials and determining the purposes of practicing listening skills. The material should have an authentic meaning for young learner. So, the learner easily to understand and remember the things that the teachers have been taught.
2. Use listening activities that reflect real-life learning
The listening activities should be related to their daily life as a child/children. Because, the children learn base on what they see or what they know, and the new knowledge becomes to comparison for their basic information. So, it's very important as a teacher to use listening activities that reflect real-life learning. The scope of the material that the teacher can provide for the young learner such as greeting, introduction self, alphabet, numbers, colors, family, animals, fruit vegetables, and part of the body.
3. The listening activities should be developmentally appropriate
This point implies that the teacher needs to design the listening activities appropriate to meet their level. Because the kinds of learning experiences we design for pre-teens will be different for the younger learner.
E.g. Theme: Greeting
Hello, Hello How are you?
You are my friend and I love you...
Hello, Hello How are you?
Jesus Lome and I love you...
4. Use a variety of techniques to make listening Comprehensible Input (CI)
CI is language input that can be understood by listeners despite them not understanding all the words and structures in it. It is described as one level above that of the learner if it can only just be understood. According to Krashen's theory of language acquisition, giving learner this kind of input helps them acquire language naturally, rather than learn it consciously.
5. Check their comprehension using a variety of response types
In the classroom, the teacher should encourage the young learner to make sure their comprehension of the learning topic. Some activities that teachers can implement in the classroom such as doing a Q&A based on the topic between a session or summarise each session at a designated time or teachers can ask them to ask each other questions about the topic.
So, to be able to answer or ask a question, the learner needs to listen carefully and understood the subject matter, and in this way, the teacher knows who is listening and who is not.
Types of Responses
- Agree / Disagree-Response.
- Interpretive / Reflective-Response.
- Analytic / Evaluative-Response.
6. Keep listening actively
When teaching listening to young learner, teachers should keep listening actively. It mean that the implementation of listening activities should be frequent. So, in this way, the young learner will be trained habitually to listening in English and we can give a listening task constantly. Also, don't forget to keep the listening activities always fun. Some methods that we can use in listening for the young learner is rhymes, rhythm, and repetition.
7. Equip your students with intelligent guesswork strategies
Intelligent guesswork' is the term given to a strategy that involves students making informed guesses about something, it helps students to think creatively and think critically. According to Brewster, Ellis, and Girard (2004) mention that developing "intelligent guessing" is very important to develop in young learner. They suggest the following strategies:
• Predicting: The learner guesses what they will be listening to.
• Guessing from the context: learner guess the meaning of a word through the context.
• Recognizing: The learner try to understand discourse patterns and markers, from signal words, such as first, then, finally, but, so, etc.
Teaching Speaking
According to Nunan (in Kayi, 2006:1) defines speaking is the use of language. Speaking is the delivery of language through the mouth. To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal cords, tongue, teeth, and lips. Speaking is the process of producing language to share their message with others. In teaching speaking for the young learner, it's will be better if we can consider several points in the bellow.
1. Fluency & Accuracy
Accuracy is the extent to which students’ speech
matches with the topic of discussion or what they talk about. While fluency is the extent to which students use the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, and word searches. For the young learner, our approach is not focused on grammatical explanation, it's just should be more message-oriented or based on meaningful activities within a realistic context.
E.g. Learning Objective: The student should be able to introduce themselves.
2. Build classroom routines in English
It is the same thing as listening before. In the classroom we have kept the speaking activity always active, even it's only a simple sentence. Because it's will help to develop the young leaner speaking skill become a habitually.
3. Use authentic & appropriate speaking activities
Designing authentic activities, such as role-plays and dialogues based on real-life conversations, motivates the students, so they willingly take the role of an imaginary person. However, the meaning and purpose of discourse need to be made comprehensible to the learner.
4. Use a variety of activities to improve both accuracy & fluency.
As a teacher, we can plan different and various types of speaking activities. It is a good idea to plan two types of activities: which one of them to teach students to practice vocabulary and simple grammar in a more controlled way such as personal pronouns, the subjective one, and basic auxiliary verb (am, is, are). Then the other way, where the students practice to speak freely.
5. Engage students
When teaching speaking, the Teacher should see the classroom as a community. The students should communicate with each other, and not only with the teacher. The teacher should think of ways to engage all the students and make them speak with a reason to do so.
6. Don't correct errors explicitly
The young learner can not develop their speaking skills if the teacher is constantly interrupting them to correct their oral errors. So, the teachers must provide students with fluency building practice and realize that making mistakes is a natural part of learning a new language.
7. Use negotiation strategies
Negotiation of meaning is a process that speakers go through to reach a clear understanding of each other. For example asking for clarification, rephrasing, and confirming what you think you have understood are all strategies for the negotiation of meaning.
I think that's all, that I can share with you. Based on the explanation above, the basic thing that we have to realize is the young learner, just learns what they want to learn and it's coming up because they curious, excited or interest in something. The second is "movement". When we teach the young learner specifically in kindergarten. Movement is a very common methods that we can use to teach young learner So, I say that as a teacher we should design fun activities when we teach young learner because it's will help to increase the students learning enthusiasm.
You also can look into my ppt, to see more about teaching listening and speaking.
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Pic. By: https://www.gettingsmart.com/2018/01/the-secrets-to-great-teaching/
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