First Language Acquisition
Hello guys???
How are you?
I hope u always Happy & keep healthy
So, do you ever know about language acquisition?, Language acquisition it's a process to perceive and comprehend language, like how to produce, and use those words to arrange into a sentence, that purpose to communicate. And, every person has different stages of improvement the language acquisition, it can be caused by internal factors (such as parenting, babysitting), and external factors (such as playmate and school).
What is the first language acquisition?
It's similar to the one before, but in first language acquisition, it describes "How children (learn), to process and produce their first language (Native language or mother tongue). And in the process development of language acquisition,5 basic stages will be passed by children, start from birth until 5 years old.
Stages of first language acquisition:
Cooing (0-4 Months)
Cooing we also called as a Reflexive or Vocalization stages. In this stage baby's first sound tends to a reflex sound sometimes it can be crying. And after 3 weeks baby starts to adapt with their cry and try to differentiate what the causes/problem that makes them cry. For example, cry when they feel hungry. After that baby learns to laugh as a response to something in their world.
Babbling (5-12 Months)
In this stage, the child tries to produce a sound that this a combination of consonants and vowel sounds. It still tends to a reflex sound but in a different sound that is related to what they feel. For example, when they feel happy, they started to say "a-ga-ga", "a-da-da", e-ee-e with a smile on their face.
One word utterances (12-18 Month)
In this stage, the child starts to produce a one-word utterance that can refer to a whole sentence in a context. For example, when children need more cookie, they only say "cookie, cookie" that refers to give me more cookie.
Two-word utterances (2-3 years old)
This stage is known as telegraphic speech because the process to produce word it's like a telegram, that used they focus on high-content words. They tend to eliminate any shorter and less important words using nouns, verbs, and omitting the "Auxillary" word. For example "Stop the car", "Go car", "Thank you", "Love you".
Basic adult (4-5)
In this stage child already can construct a longer sentence for communication, but the vocabulary still lacks than the adult, so in other words, it can be like a simple sentence. For example " Mama I'm hungry" or "Dad can I ?"
Teaching first language to young learners stared at home. Like what you can see before the child learns the language since birth, start from hearing, listening, and can speaking. And school is another aspect that can help children to improve their first language. There are basic things that can implement when you want to teach language to your child, so it becomes more effective. First, as a parent (adult) we have to more talkative to our children. So, they can learn more and can easily adapt to the language. That is why you have to speak to your baby, or toddler as normally you speak with adults. Second, establish a routine for learning a language with your children, and it's better to have a short frequent like 3/5 minutes on because it's more efficient. Then, you can try to do some activity that can interest your children to learn the language, it can be like reading storybooks expressively, sing-a songs, playing word games like guess the word that they can see it and so on. How about in school? schools can help children navigate the new environment as when their interaction with the other child in school.
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