Classroom Ritual

 Ritual vs Routine

Have you ever remembered and experienced when you in Elementary School or Kindergarten, you have to do the same activities that generally happened before and after class? 

This kind of activity namely "Class Ritual."

So, class "Ritual" and "Routine" are two different things. The Class's routine is simply a well-rehearsed response to a teacher's directive. According to Burden (2003) "Routines allow students to quickly accomplish day-to-day tasks that are required of both the teacher and students" and routine also help to create smoother transitions between activities, therefore allow fewer opportunities for disruptions to occur (Docking, 2002).

Pic. of Class Routines

How about class ritual?

Well, the class ritual is the repeated set of activities or actions, and behavior. The class ritual will help the student to give a sense of control to soothe the lower center of the brain and emotionally prepared students to engage. It gave them a sense of community and belongingness. The  "Goals" are to bring togetherness and unity for each child, to support their emotional and social well-being also reduce their anxiety and stress.  That's why class ritual produces a calm effect on children because this more effected noticeable on hyper-anxious children.

Pic. of Class Ritual

The point is, "Class Routine" describing things that teachers do to help the school run efficiently, while "Class Ritual" is a stylization expression of our values and beliefs for a long time, routines can become the norm, that a ritual that followers come to expect.

"Routine that, over time, will become ritualized norms of the school culture"
Greg Schnagl (2015)


