

Implications For assessment In designing an assessment, the teacher should recognize these two points. The first is, the effectiveness, an assessment is not effective when it sets power relationships that become established and habitual (Foucault, 1979). That's why the assessment should provide information to administrators and parents about their children. Also, giving educators feedback in the teaching-learning process, and for students' knowledge on their progress. Then, the other point is the assessment should fair, such as provide meaningful and appropriate information about a child's language useability. Also, avoid bias against any child because of that child's characteristics. Assessing Young Learner  Cognitive Growth Development 5–7 years; Students learn by direct experiences (Real-Life Learning). 8 –10 years; Students are trying to manipulate ideas, but direct experience is still very important. 11 – 13 years; Students possibly use the L2 to talk about recent ...

Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar

Some people think it's better for a child to more focus on learning vocabulary rather than grammar because grammar is too complicated. In other ways, some people think that grammar is more important rather than vocabulary because it's complicated. Therefore, it's better to teach them at a young age, they will more easily absorb the knowledge and adapt to using grammar. So, eventually, when they grow up they will be familiar with using grammar and can overcome the obstacles in using grammar. But, the fact is, vocabulary and grammar are interdependent. When learning English, it is important to understand the complex interaction between vocabulary and grammar which will help the learners to be fluent in spoken and written skills. It is basically because both of them are stored together in the mental lexicon in typical combination rather than in isolation. Therefore, they should be learned together. For the young learner, when they pick up new words, they might be able to recog...

Teaching Reading and Writing

  As a human, our brains are naturally wired to listen and speak. But, they aren't naturally wired to read and write. In some cases like in Indonesia, there are a lot of people illiterate that they can listen and speak but they can write even read. That's why reading and writing must be taught, with teaching human to learn to read and write at about age 5 or 6 and need several years to master the skills. Children don't learn to read, just from being exposed to books, for many of them reading must be taught explicitly and systematically, one small step at a time. Researchers have made a lot of progress in determining how to teach reading more effectively, but it comes down to the effectiveness of each teacher such as their approach, method, or strategies. Therefore, teachers make the difference. Print Awareness Print awareness is a child's earliest introduction to literacy, that is understanding that print is organized in a particular way. For example, knowing that print...

Teaching Listening and Speaking

 Hello Fellas, how are you?  Welcome back to my blog!!! This is the fifth blog that I had been made for TEYL class, and in this blog, I will discuss "Teaching Listening & Speaking For Young Learner" Background Of Teaching The first important things that we have to know as a teacher is "Students' Learning Channels". Because it can help the teacher to understand more about their students to apply the suitable strategies, methods, and techniques for them. The learning channels are categorize into three different types, the first is  "Auditory Learner". Students with this types of learning channels are, learn best through Listening. The second types are "Visual Learner", which is the learner are who learn best through visual. The last type of learning channel is "Tacticle Learner", a student that the tactile learner best to learn by touching or manipulating objects.  Another thing that very important to consider is to develop the 4 ...

Learning a Second / Third Language

Learning a Second / Third Language Bilingualism refers to possessing a minimal competence in only one of the four language skills in a language other than the mother tongue or the ability to speak a second language while following the concepts and structures of it rather than paraphrasing the mother tongue. So, the person who is "Bilingualism", they have two different languages and can use that two languages especially as a spoken language with the fluency characteristic of a native speaker. While "Multilingualism", refers to a person who having and using more than two different languages especially as a spoken language with the fluency characteristic of a native speaker. In early bilingualism usually, children will run into the 'simultaneous acquisition', which is the process of the earliest chance of learning two languages or more, and it starts at birth. The bilingual children generally appear to develop more slowly in linguistic terms and they may say th...

Classroom Ritual

 Ritual vs Routine Have you ever remembered and experienced when you in Elementary School or Kindergarten, you have to do the same activities that generally happened before and after class?  This kind of activity namely "Class Ritual." So, class "Ritual" and "Routine" are two different things. The Class's routine is simply a well-rehearsed response to a teacher's directive. According to Burden (2003) "Routines allow students to quickly accomplish day-to-day tasks that are required of both the teacher and students" and routine also help to create smoother transitions between activities, therefore allow fewer opportunities for disruptions to occur (Docking, 2002). Pic. of Class Routines How about class ritual? Well, the class ritual is the repeated set of activities or actions, and behavior. The class ritual will help the student to give a sense of control to soothe the lower center of the brain and emotionally prepared students to enga...

First Language Acquisition

  Hello guys??? How are you? I hope u always Happy & keep healthy So, do you ever know about language acquisition?, Language acquisition it's a process to perceive and comprehend language, like how to produce, and use those words to arrange into a sentence, that purpose to communicate. And, every person has different stages of improvement the language acquisition, it can be caused by internal factors (such as parenting, babysitting),  and external factors (such as playmate and school). What is the first language acquisition? It's similar to the one before, but in first language acquisition, it describes "How children (learn), to process and produce their first language (Native language or mother tongue). And in the process development of language acquisition,5 basic stages will be passed by children, start from birth until 5 years old. Stages of first language acquisition: Cooing (0-4 Months) Cooing we also called as a Reflexive or Vocalization stages. In this stage ba...