
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2020

First Language Acquisition

  Hello guys??? How are you? I hope u always Happy & keep healthy So, do you ever know about language acquisition?, Language acquisition it's a process to perceive and comprehend language, like how to produce, and use those words to arrange into a sentence, that purpose to communicate. And, every person has different stages of improvement the language acquisition, it can be caused by internal factors (such as parenting, babysitting),  and external factors (such as playmate and school). What is the first language acquisition? It's similar to the one before, but in first language acquisition, it describes "How children (learn), to process and produce their first language (Native language or mother tongue). And in the process development of language acquisition,5 basic stages will be passed by children, start from birth until 5 years old. Stages of first language acquisition: Cooing (0-4 Months) Cooing we also called as a Reflexive or Vocalization stages. In this stage ba...